There thousands of publicly available R extensions, AKA “packages”. They are not all installed on your system, and only core R packages are loaded when you start a new R session. The library()
function is used to load non-core packages so that subsequent commands are searched against the functions and data in these packages as well as the core.
I like to also show the package version number in my Rmd workflows (using packageVersion()
) so that I know what was used at the time the code was executed.
I also like to include a date stamp. There’s one above, but here’s how you can include it in your code:
gsub("[[:punct:][:space:]]", "-", Sys.time())
gsub("[[:punct:][:space:]]", "-", Sys.time())
## [1] "2016-01-18-15-55-00"
command.library("phyloseq"); packageVersion("phyloseq")
## Warning: replacing previous import by 'ggplot2::Position' when loading
## 'phyloseq'
## Warning: replacing previous import by 'scales::alpha' when loading
## 'phyloseq'
## [1] '1.14.0'
library("data.table"); packageVersion("data.table")
## [1] '1.9.6'
library("ggplot2"); packageVersion("ggplot2")
## [1] '2.0.0'
In the previous section you organized our Moving Pictures example data using phyloseq tools, and then saved this data from your R session (system memory, RAM) to the hard disk as a compressed, serialized file (extension “.RDS
”). This is a handy way to store complicated single data objects for later use, without needing to define and document one or more file formats. This data was imported from 3 or 4 QIIME output files in various locations, but now this one self-describing file is all you need.
function, and store the result as an object named mp
.mp = readRDS("mp-phyloseq-lab.RDS")
Reminder: For storing many objects from an R session at once, try save()
or save.image()
, and load()
Explore the data. Executing a command in the terminal that is just a data object invokes the print()
or summary()
functions, which usually give summary details about the data if it is a complex object (like ours), or show the data directly if it is simple. If it is simple but large, you might hit the streaming limits in your console, so try and check sizes first. The “Environment” box in your RStudio console usually tells you these details as well.
objectThis will give you other details about the object, as well as a few key functions that can be used to access parts of it. This data is too large to show all in the console, with the exception of phy_tree()
and refseq()
, which have their own special print summary functions.
to the screen.nsamples()
and ntaxa()
and tax_table
components of this phyloseq object have their own special variables, namely sample_variables()
and rank_names()
. Use these functions on mp
. What do you get? What does it mean?phy_tree()
function. What is it telling you? How many leaves are in the tree? How many internal nodes?You could attempt to plot this tree with the default plot()
function, but it has way too many leaves to be legible. Also, the default plot function is limited, so we’ll come back to this and how to use the phyloseq function plot_tree()
later on.
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table() OTU Table: [ 3426 taxa and 34 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data: [ 34 samples by 11 sample variables ]
## tax_table() Taxonomy Table: [ 3426 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
## phy_tree() Phylogenetic Tree: [ 3426 tips and 3424 internal nodes ]
## [1] 34
## [1] 3426
## [1] "X.SampleID" "BarcodeSequence"
## [3] "LinkerPrimerSequence" "SampleType"
## [5] "Year" "Month"
## [7] "Day" "Subject"
## [9] "ReportedAntibioticUsage" "DaysSinceExperimentStart"
## [11] "Description"
## [1] "Kingdom" "Phylum" "Class" "Order" "Family" "Genus" "Species"
Create histograms that summarize sequencing depth in this data. Start with overall, but then also create category-specific histograms to help evaluate the balance in this experiment.
For this we are going to use the ggplot2 package.
function, and the geom_histogram()
geometric object from ggplot2.facet_wrap()
or facet_grid()
and ylab()
and Subject
using the facet_grid()
function. Does it look like there are any imbalances in total counts or number of samples among these critical groups?sdt = data.table(as(sample_data(mp), "data.frame"),
TotalReads = sample_sums(mp), keep.rownames = TRUE)
setnames(sdt, "rn", "SampleID")
pSeqDepth = ggplot(sdt, aes(TotalReads)) + geom_histogram() + ggtitle("Sequencing Depth")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
pSeqDepth + facet_wrap(~SampleType)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
pSeqDepth +
facet_grid(SampleType ~ Subject) +
ggtitle("Seq. Depth by Subject and Body Site")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
The lowest number of reads per sample was 1114. That is low for typical new projects, but not that unusual compared to the rest of the samples in this tutorial dataset. From these plots, I don’t recommend filtering any samples based on depth alone, but keep in mind that in some cases you might, mainly when the number of read counts in a sample is so low that it is apparent that something went wrong with that sample. We will keep an eye out for artifacts and odd behavior (outliers) as we go along.
The plots above also do not indicate strong biases in sequencing depth by group or subject. Do you agree?
Here we want to check for any associations with sequencing depth and time. This is worthwhile to check early on in an experiment, as metadata variables like sequencing depth should be uncorrelated with key experimental variables. Why is that? What would it mean if there was a strong correlation between depth and variable?
, the vertical axis is mapped to TotalReads
, and the color variable is mapped to Subject
layer function. Does this improve the plot?Note that you should enter Subject as as.factor(Subject)
to let ggplot2 know that this is really a discrete variable, even though it is encoded as a numeric vector of 1
and 2
. Alternatively you could modify the Subject
variable to be a character or factor, or you could add a new variable that holds Subject
with a discrete data type; however, I prefer to not modify the original data unless necessary or useful, and the as.factor()
expression is an elegant option in this case. Why might it be a good idea to avoid modifying key variables in the data?
ggplot(sdt, aes(DaysSinceExperimentStart, TotalReads, color = as.factor(Subject))) +
geom_point(size = 5) +
geom_smooth(method = lm) +
ggtitle("Sequencing Depth vs. Time") +
scale_y_log10() +
facet_grid(SampleType ~ .)
sdt[, min(TotalReads)]
## [1] 1114
Filtering rare taxa is usually a necessary step in this type of data. We will actually perform the filtering elsewhere. For now, just explore the distribution of taxa across the dataset. There are two obvious measures to consider right away: (1) prevalence - the number of samples in which a taxa appears, and (2) total counts - the total number (or proportion) of observations of a taxa across all samples.
I like to plot them together on the same plot, as well as histograms of each. This will help determine what appears to be reasonable thresholds that define “unreasonably high” or “unhelpfully low” presence of a taxa in the data. Note the subjectivity in this last statement. Filtering is often subjective. We can be honest about that. Our goal is to both justify and document our decision for filtering. The goal of filtering is to remove noise from the data, in this case noisy variables that are unlikely to provide any useful information. Our criteria for this filtering should not include variables from which we want to infer biological insights later on. Why is that?
, then “print” it to the terminal to render a graphic. What behavior do you see in the data? Are most of the OTUs in the table rare? Where would you set the threshold?pCumSum
: pCumSum + xlim(0, 100)
Now where would you set the threshold?tdt = data.table(tax_table(mp),
TotalCounts = taxa_sums(mp),
OTU = taxa_names(mp))
ggplot(tdt, aes(TotalCounts)) +
geom_histogram() +
ggtitle("Histogram of Total Counts")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
# How many singletons?
tdt[(TotalCounts <= 0), .N]
## [1] 0
tdt[(TotalCounts <= 1), .N]
## [1] 0
# None. This data has been filtered already.
# How many doubletons?
tdt[(TotalCounts <= 2), .N]
## [1] 991
# taxa cumulative sum
taxcumsum = tdt[, .N, by = TotalCounts]
setkey(taxcumsum, TotalCounts)
taxcumsum[, CumSum := cumsum(N)]
# Define the plot
pCumSum = ggplot(taxcumsum, aes(TotalCounts, CumSum)) +
geom_point() +
xlab("Filtering Threshold, Minimum Total Counts") +
ylab("OTUs Filtered") +
ggtitle("OTUs that would be filtered vs. the minimum count threshold")
# Zoom-in
pCumSum + xlim(0, 100)
## Warning: Removed 168 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
I’ve included a special function with the course materials, called fast_melt()
, that I like. It is not yet incorporated into the phyloseq package. You can make it available to your session by “sourcing” the R code file that defines it. Use:
source("taxa_summary.R", local = TRUE)
In fact, now that you’ve done that, run the following code:
mdt = fast_melt(mp)
prevdt = mdt[, list(Prevalence = sum(count > 0),
TotalCounts = sum(count)),
by = TaxaID]
If you’ve used the data.table
package before you might guess what this does. Briefly, the fast_melt()
function “melts” the OTU table into a long format with three main columns: SampleID
, TaxaID
, and count
. This allows us to do some additional data.table magic. For the rest of this section, go ahead and peak at the answers and come back (try not to peak ahead!).
I define Prevalence here as the number of times an OTU is observed at least once. That is, it is the number of samples in which each OTU was non-zero. I find this to be a more useful filtering and diagnostic criteria.
# Source the file that defines the new functions
source("taxa_summary.R", local = TRUE)
mdt = fast_melt(mp)
prevdt = mdt[, list(Prevalence = sum(count > 0),
TotalCounts = sum(count)),
by = TaxaID]
ggplot(prevdt, aes(Prevalence)) +
geom_histogram() +
ggtitle("Histogram of Taxa Prevalence")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
# How many singletons?
prevdt[(Prevalence <= 0), .N]
## [1] 0
prevdt[(Prevalence <= 1), .N]
## [1] 506
# None. This data has been filtered already.
# How many doubletons?
prevdt[(Prevalence <= 2), .N]
## [1] 1555
# taxa cumulative sum
prevcumsum = prevdt[, .N, by = Prevalence]
setkey(prevcumsum, Prevalence)
prevcumsum[, CumSum := cumsum(N)]
pPrevCumSum = ggplot(prevcumsum, aes(Prevalence, CumSum)) +
geom_point() +
xlab("Filtering Threshold, Prevalence") +
ylab("OTUs Filtered") +
ggtitle("OTUs that would be filtered vs. the minimum count threshold")
to plot TotalCounts versus Prevalence as a scatter plot.ggplot(prevdt, aes(Prevalence, TotalCounts)) +
geom_point(size = 4, alpha = 0.75) +
addPhylum = unique(copy(mdt[, list(TaxaID, Phylum)]))
# Join by TaxaID
setkey(prevdt, TaxaID)
setkey(addPhylum, TaxaID)
prevdt <- addPhylum[prevdt]
showPhyla = prevdt[, sum(TotalCounts), by = Phylum][order(-V1)][1:9]$Phylum
setkey(prevdt, Phylum)
mapping = aes(Prevalence, TotalCounts, color = Phylum)) +
geom_point(size = 4, alpha = 0.75) +
After exploring these plots, select your own filtering critera. Document it in your Rmd by storing it as an informatively-titled variable. We will use it later on.
There are ntaxa(mp)
OTUs in the unmodified data. This is too many to reasonably attempt to plot on a tree, but we can agglomerate nearby positions on the tree as a means to simplify without losing too much information.
Use the tip_glom
function to accomplish this, then use plot_tree
to explore the dataset from the point of view of an evolutionary tree. Depending on the speed of the instance you’re currently using, you may want to first apply one of the filters you defined in the previous section.
keepTaxa = prevdt[(Prevalence >= 10 & TotalCounts > 3), TaxaID]
mpf1 = prune_taxa(keepTaxa, mp)
tipg = tip_glom(mpf1, h = 0.05)
# Transform to relative abundance
tipg <- transform_sample_counts(tipg, function(x) x / sum(x))
## [1] 129
plot_tree(tipg, size = "Abundance",
color = "SampleType",
justify = "yes please",
ladderize = "left") +
scale_size_continuous(range = c(1, 3))
## Scale for 'size' is already present. Adding another scale for 'size',
## which will replace the existing scale.