The 2011 Workshop on Comparative Genomics (renamed Workshop on Genomics), Fort Collins was the first time this particular Workshop was organized in North America. The Workshop curriculum was designed to be similar to the previous Workshop in Český Krumlov with several minor changes made based on participant feedback. For example, a large number of participants and faculty from the previous Workshop recommended increasing the amount of time dedicated to working with the UNIX command line and programming. This is reflected in the Fort Collins schedule shown below. The Workshop was attended by 67 participants from over 20 different countries with a wide range of experience and interests in the genomic sciences.
For more information about this Workshop please click here. Or can apply for future version of the Workshop on Genomics by selecting the appropriate Workshop from the apply menu at the top of this page.
Complete schedule for the 2011 Workshop on Genomics, Fort Collins.
Date | Time | Presenter | Topic |
10 July | 7p – 10p | Everyone | Reception |
11 July | 9a – 12p | Scott Handley | Workshop Introduction |
2p – 5p | Evan Eichler | Identification and Detection of Structural Variation | |
7p – 10p | Workshop Team | Laboratory Introduction | |
12 July | 9a – 12p | Mike Zody | Genomic Study Design |
2p – 5p | Craig Cummings / Sepideh Rogers | Life Technologies-Ion Torrent and Roche 454 Lectures | |
7p – 10p | Workshop Team | Unix Tutorial | |
13 July | 9a – 12p | Workshop Team | Data Quality Assessment and Quality Control |
2p – 5p | Jason Stajich | Perl | |
7p – 10p | Jason Stajich | BioPerl | |
14 July | 9a – 12p | Shaun Jackman | Assembly Lecture |
2p – 5p | Shaun Jackman | ABySS Lab I | |
7p – 10p | Shaun Jackman | ABySS Lab II | |
15 July | 9a – 12p | Workshop Team | Genome Assembly Lab: Velvet and Bowtie I |
2p – 5p | Workshop Team | Genome Assembly Lab: Velvet and Bowtie II | |
7p – 10p | Everyone | Open Lab | |
16 July | 9a – 12p | Manuel Garber | Transcriptomics Lecture |
2p – 5p | Manuel Garber | Transcriptomics Lab: Scripture | |
7p – 10p | Everyone | Cookout |
Date | Time | Presenter | Topic |
17 July | All Day | Everyone | Free Dat |
18 July | 9a – 12p | Sheldon McKay | GMOD/Gbrowse I |
2p – 5p | Sheldon McKay | GMOD/Gbrowse II | |
7p – 10p | Everyone | Open Lab | |
19 July | 9a – 12p | Everyone | Open Lab |
2p – 5p | Greg Caporaso | PyCogent Introduction | |
7p – 10p | Daniel McDonald | Advanced PyCogen | |
20 July | 9a – 12p | Rob Knight | Microbial Ecology |
2p – 5p | Antonio Gonzalez and Tony Walters | QIIME: Introduction and Pipeline | |
7p – 10p | Bharath Prithiviraj and Jesse Stormbaugh | Diverstiy Metrics, QIIME Databases and the Earth Microbiome Project | |
21 July | 9a – 12p | Daniel Blankenberg | Galaxy: Introduction |
2p – 5p | Daniel Blankenberg | Galaxy: Lab Part I | |
7p – 10p | Daniel Blankenberg | Galaxy: Lab Part I | |
22 July | 9a – 12p | Antonis Rokas | Evolutionary Genomics |
2p – 5p | Everyone | Open Lab | |
7p – 10p | Everyone | Workshop Party |