ANGSD activity on SFS, Fst, and PBS
Activity by Anders Albrechtsen, 25 January 2018
The data is from the 1000 genomes project which included the populations:
ASW | HapMap African ancestry individuals from SW US |
CEU | European individuals |
CHB | Han Chinese in Beijing |
JPT | JPT Japanese individuals |
YRI | Yoruba individuals |
MXL | Mexican individuals from LA California |
set some paths
# NB this must be done every time you open a new terminal AA=/home/wpsg/workshop_materials/05_angsd/PhDCourse # Set path to ANGSD program ANGSD=$AA/prog/angsd/angsd #realSFS REAL=$AA/prog/angsd/misc/realSFS #ancestral fasta file (chimp) ANC=$AA/sfs/data/hg19ancNoChr.fa.gz #reference genome for human REF=$AA/sfs/data/hg19.fa.gz # a bam filelist for a several bam files BAMFOLDER=$AA/sfs/data/smallerbams BAMFOLDERchr5=$AA/sfs/data/chr5_33M_v2 #copy R plot function to folder cp $AA/sfs/plot2dSFS.R .
make some file lists of bam files
#a African population find $BAMFOLDER | grep bam$ | grep YRI > YRI.filelist #a Asian population find $BAMFOLDER | grep bam$ | grep JPT > JPT.filelist #a European population find $BAMFOLDER | grep bam$ | grep CEU > CEU.filelist
Reconstructing the site frequency spectrum
First let’s set some filter to remove the worst reads (minMapQ), remove the worst of the bases (minQ), adjust the mapping quality (baq,C), remove sites where less than 8 indivduals have data (minInd).
FILTERS="-minMapQ 30 -minQ 20 -minInd 8"
Let’s set some options that means we will calculate genotype likelihoods using the GATK model (gl) and calculate the site allele frequency likelihoods (saf)
OPT=" -dosaf 1 -gl 2"
Generate site frequency likelihoods using ANGSD
$ANGSD -b YRI.filelist -anc $ANC -out yri $FILTERS $OPT -ref $REF $ANGSD -b JPT.filelist -anc $ANC -out jpt $FILTERS $OPT -ref $REF $ANGSD -b CEU.filelist -anc $ANC -out ceu $FILTERS $OPT -ref $REF
The run time is a couple of minutes per population
Estimate the site frequency spectrum for each of the 3 populations without having to call genotypes or variable sites directly from the site frequency likelihoods
#calculate the 1 dimensional SFS $REAL yri.saf.idx > yri.sfs $REAL jpt.saf.idx > jpt.sfs $REAL ceu.saf.idx > ceu.sfs
In order to plot the results open Rstudio and make a barplot
##run in R #plot the results nnorm <- function(x) x/sum(x) #expected number of sites with 1:20 derived alleles res <- rbind( YRI=scan("yri.sfs")[-1], JPI=scan("jpt.sfs")[-1], CEU=scan("ceu.sfs")[-1] ) colnames(res) <- 1:20 # density instead of expected counts res <- t(apply(res,1,nnorm)) #plot the none ancestral sites barplot(res,beside=T,legend=c("YRI","JPT","CEU"),names=1:20,main="realSFS non ancestral sites",args.legend = list(x="topleft")) #plot the polymorphic sites. resPoly <- t(apply(res[,-20],1,nnorm)) barplot(resPoly,beside=T,legend=c("YRI","JPT","CEU"),names=1:19,main="realSFS polymorphic sites") #due the very limited amount of sites #downsample to 5 individuals (10 chromosome) and exclude fixed derived downsampleSFS <- function(x,chr){ #x 1:2n , chr < 2n n<-length(x) mat <- sapply(1:chr,function(i) choose(1:n,i)*choose(n- (1:n),chr-i)/choose(n,chr)) nnorm( as.vector(t(mat) %*% x)[-chr] ) } resDown <- t(apply(res,1,downsampleSFS,chr=10)) barplot(resDown,beside=T,legend=c("YRI","JPT","CEU"),names=1:9,main="realSFS downsampled polymorphic sites")
- Which population has the largest population size?
- These individuals are a subset of the 1000Genomes individuals. If you analyse a whole chromosome the results will look like this
We can compare with what happens if we try to call genotypes by calling SNPs and genotypes like GATK. If you are running out of time then skip this part
FILTERS="-minMapQ 30 -minQ 20 -baq 1 -C 50 -minInd 10" OPT2="-gl 2 -doGeno 2 -doPost 2 -doMajorMinor 4 -doMaf 1 -SNP_pval 1e-6 -postCutoff 0.9" $ANGSD -b YRI.filelist -out yri $FILTERS $OPT2 -ref $REF $ANGSD -b JPT.filelist -out jpt $FILTERS $OPT2 -ref $REF $ANGSD -b CEU.filelist -out ceu $FILTERS $OPT2 -ref $REF
Plot the results in R
##run in R #plot the results nnorm <- function(x) x/sum(x) getSFS<-function(x) table(factor(rowSums(read.table(x)[,-c(1:2)]),levels=1:20)) res <- rbind( YRI=getSFS("yri.geno.gz"), JPI=getSFS("jpt.geno.gz"), CEU=getSFS("ceu.geno.gz") ) colnames(res) <- 1:20 # density instead of expected counts res <- t(apply(res,1,nnorm)) #plot the none ancestral sites barplot(res,beside=T,legend=c("YRI","JPT","CEU"),names=1:20,main="SFS from called genotypes") #plot the polymorphic sites. resPoly <- t(apply(res[,-20],1,nnorm)) barplot(resPoly,beside=T,legend=c("YRI","JPT","CEU"),names=1:19,main="SFS from called genotypes") #down sample to 5 individuals (10 chromosome) and exclude fixed derived downsampleSFS <- function(x,chr){ #x 1:2n , chr < 2n n<-length(x) mat <- sapply(1:chr,function(i) choose(1:n,i)*choose(n- (1:n),chr-i)/choose(n,chr)) nnorm( as.vector(t(mat) %*% x)[-chr] ) } resDown <- t(apply(res,1,downsampleSFS,chr=10)) barplot(resDown,beside=T,legend=c("YRI","JPT","CEU"),names=1:9)
- How does this compare to the likelhood based estimates (PDF)
let’s use the sfs to calculate some statistics for the population
##run in R ## read sfs y<-scan("yri.sfs"); j<-scan("jpt.sfs"); c<-scan("ceu.sfs"); x<-y #change this one to try one of the other populations nSites<-sum(x) #Number of sites where we have data nSeg<-sum(x[c(-1,-21)]) #Number of segregating sites an <- function(n) sum(1/1:(n-1)) thetaW <- nSeg/an(20) # Wattersons Theta thetaW / 2.5e-8 / nSites / 4 # effective population size
The above example is for the African population. Try to run it for all three populations.
- which has the largest populations size
- which has the largest variability (fraction of polymorphic/segregating sites)
Fst and PBS
In order to estimate Fst between two populations we will need to estimate the 2-dimensional frequency spectrum from the site allele frequency likelihoods
#calculate the 2D SFS $REAL yri.saf.idx ceu.saf.idx > $REAL yri.saf.idx jpt.saf.idx > $REAL jpt.saf.idx ceu.saf.idx >
Plot the results in R
##run in R yc<-scan("") yj<-scan("") jc<-scan("") source("plot2dSFS.R") plot2<-function(s,...){ dim(s)<-c(21,21) s[1]<-NA s[21,21]<-NA s<-s/sum(s,na.rm=T) pal <- color.palette(c("darkgreen","#00A600FF","yellow","#E9BD3AFF","orange","red4","darkred","black"), space="rgb") pplot(s/sum(s,na.rm=T),pal=pal,...) } plot2(yc,ylab="YRI",xlab="CEU") x11() # (not needed if you use Rstudio) plot2(yj,ylab="YRI",xlab="JPT") x11() #(not needed if you use Rstudio) plot2(jc,ylab="JPT",xlab="CEU")
Due to the very limited amount of data the plots are very noisy. However they are still informative.The colors indicate the density. High density (red) means that many sites will look like this and low density (green) means that few sites looks like this.
Based on the plots try to guess
- Which population has most private SNPs (sites that are only polymorphic in this population)
- Which populations are most closely related?
In order to get a measure of which populations are most closely related we will estimate the pairwise Fst
#first we will index the sample so that the same sites are analysed for each population $REAL fst index jpt.saf.idx ceu.saf.idx -sfs -fstout jpt.ceu $REAL fst index yri.saf.idx ceu.saf.idx -sfs -fstout yri.ceu $REAL fst index yri.saf.idx jpt.saf.idx -sfs -fstout yri.jpt #get the global estimate $REAL fst stats jpt.ceu.fst.idx $REAL fst stats yri.jpt.fst.idx $REAL fst stats yri.ceu.fst.idx
look at the weigthed Fst (Fst.Weight).
- which two populations are most closely related?
- which two populations are most distantly related?
Let’s see how the Fst and PBS varies between different regions of the genome by using a sliding windows approach (windows site of 50kb)
$REAL fst index yri.saf.idx jpt.saf.idx ceu.saf.idx -fstout yri.jpt.ceu -sfs -sfs -sfs $REAL fst stats2 yri.jpt.ceu.fst.idx -win 50000 -step 10000 >slidingwindowBackground
read the data into R
##run in R r<-read.delim("slidingwindowBackground",,head=T) names(r)[-c(1:4)] <- c("wFst_YRI_JPT","wFst_YRI_CEU","wFst_JPT_CEU","PBS_YRI","PBS_JPT","PBS_CEU") head(r) #print the results to the screen #plot the distribution of Fst mmax<-max(c(r$wFst_YRI_JPT,r$wFst_YRI_CEU,r$wFst_JPT_CEU),na.rm=T) par(mfcol=c(3,2)) hist(r$wFst_YRI_JPT,col="lavender",xlim=c(0,mmax),br=20) hist(r$wFst_YRI_CEU,col="mistyrose",xlim=c(0,mmax),br=20) hist(r$wFst_JPT_CEU,col="hotpink",xlim=c(0,mmax),br=20) mmax<-max(c(r$PBS_CEU,r$PBS_YRI,r$PBS_JPT),na.rm=T) #plot the distribution of PBS mmax<-max(c(r$PBS_CEU,r$PBS_YRI,r$PBS_JPT),na.rm=T) hist(r$PBS_YRI,col="lavender",xlim=c(0,mmax),br=20) hist(r$PBS_CEU,col="mistyrose",xlim=c(0,mmax),br=20) hist(r$PBS_JPT,col="hotpink",xlim=c(0,mmax),br=20)
note the maximum observed values for both the pairwise fst and the PBS
Let’s do the same for not so randomly selection 1Mb region of on chr 5.
#a African population for a region on chr 5 find $BAMFOLDERchr5 | grep bam$ | grep YRI > YRIchr5.filelist #a Asian population for a region on chr 5 find $BAMFOLDERchr5 | grep bam$ | grep JPT > JPTchr5.filelist #a European population for a region on chr 5 find $BAMFOLDERchr5 | grep bam$ | grep CEU > CEUchr5.filelist #use the same filters and options as before FILTERS="-minMapQ 30 -minQ 20 -baq 1 -C 50 -minInd 8" OPT=" -dosaf 1 -gl 2" #get site frequency likelihoods $ANGSD -b YRIchr5.filelist -anc $ANC -out yriChr5 $FILTERS $OPT -ref $REF $ANGSD -b JPTchr5.filelist -anc $ANC -out jptChr5 $FILTERS $OPT -ref $REF $ANGSD -b CEUchr5.filelist -anc $ANC -out ceuChr5 $FILTERS $OPT -ref $REF #estimate the 1D SFS $REAL yriChr5.saf.idx ceuChr5.saf.idx > $REAL yriChr5.saf.idx jptChr5.saf.idx > $REAL jptChr5.saf.idx ceuChr5.saf.idx > #get FST and PBS in sliding window $REAL fst index yriChr5.saf.idx jptChr5.saf.idx ceuChr5.saf.idx -fstout yri.jpt.ceuChr5 -sfs -sfs -sfs $REAL fst stats2 yri.jpt.ceuChr5.fst.idx -win 50000 -step 10000 >slidingwindowChr5
Let’s view how it looks in this region
#run in R r<-read.delim("slidingwindowChr5",,head=T) names(r)[-c(1:4)] <- c("wFst_YRI_JPT","wFst_YRI_CEU","wFst_JPT_CEU","PBS_YRI","PBS_JPT","PBS_CEU") par(mfrow=1:2) plot(r$midPos,r$wFst_YRI_CEU,ylim=c(0,max(r$wFst_YRI_CEU)),type="b",pch=18,ylab="Fst",xlab="position on Chr 5") points(r$midPos,r$wFst_YRI_JPT,col=2,type="b",pch=18) points(r$midPos,r$wFst_JPT_CEU,col=3,type="b",pch=18) legend("topleft",fill=1:3,c("YRI vs. CEU","YRI vs. JPT","JPT vs CEU"), cex=0.7, bty="n") plot(r$midPos,r$PBS_YRI,ylim=c(0,max(r$PBS_CEU)),type="b",pch=18,ylab="PBS",xlab="position on Chr 5") points(r$midPos,r$PBS_JPT,col=2,type="b",pch=18) points(r$midPos,r$PBS_CEU,col=3,type="b",pch=18) legend("topleft",fill=1:3,c("YRI","JPT","CEU"), cex=0.7, bty="n")
- Compare the values you observed on this part of the genome with the random pars of the genome you looked at earlier (pdf). Is this region extreme?
- Why are there two peaks for the Fst and only one for the PBS?
- In which population is this locus under selection?
Find out what genes are in this region by going to the UCSC browser. Choose Genome browser. Choose human GRCh37/hg19 and find the region. Read about this gene on wikipedia and see if this fits PBS results.