Genetic Load Activities

Emiliano Trucchi, 30 January 2025


How to run these activities

Both activities will be run through ssh terminal. PDF files will be generated: you can visualize them using Guacamole, Rstudio or by downloading to your local machine via scp.

The full tutorials of the activities can be found at the following GitHub pages:

ROHs estimates GitHub repository.

Deleterious and non deleterious genotypes counts with GENOLOADER GitHub repository.

Follow the activities outline to know where to start!

  • Connect to the instance using SSH:
    ssh [email protected] (replace XXX with your Amazon instance IP address).
  • Once connected through SSH, navigate into the tutorial directory: cd ~/workshop_materials/30_genetic_load/
  • Start a conda virtual environment that contains the tools required for this activity: conda activate evomics_ml_workshop