2015 Workshop on Molecular Evolution Participants


Name (Last) Name (First) Email Institution
Aghova Tatiana tatiana.aghova at gmail.com Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Brno
Arevalo Rafael rafarev at gmail.com Forest Products Laboratory (USDA)
Athmer Benedikt benedikt.athmer at ipb-halle.de IPB Halle
Balaz Daniel Daniel.Balaz at glasgow.ac.uk University of Glasgow
Barido-Sottani Joëlle bjoelle at student.ethz.ch ETH Zürich
Baskaran Praveen praveen.baskaran at tuebingen.mpg.de Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology
Bastian Anna anna.bastian at uct.ac.za University of Cape Town
Capobianco Alessio alessio.capobianco at sns.it University of Pisa
Cristofari Robin r.cristofari at gmail.com Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Strasbourg
Culshaw Victoria vickycul at hotmail.com El Real Jardín Botanico, Madrid
Dejaco Thomas thomas.dejaco at uibk.ac.at University of Innsbruck
Di Nardo Antonello antonello.di-nardo at pirbright.ac.uk The Pirbright Institute
Freimanis Graham graham.freimanis at pirbright.ac.uk The Pirbright Institute
Harter David david.harter at uni-bayreuth.de University of Bayreuth
Hjalmarsson Anna anna.hjalmarsson at senckenberg.de Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F)
Janousek Vaclav vaclav.janousek at natur.cuni.cz Charles University in Prague
Karnkowska Anna karnkowa at natur.cuni.cz Charles University in Prague
Kleckova Irena irena.slamova at gmail.com Institute of Entomology, České Budějovice
Kodadkova Alena alena.kodadkova at gmail.com Institute of Parasitology, České Budějovice
Krausova Marie marie.kraus7 at gmail.com University of South Bohemia
Lasecka Lidia lidia.lasecka at pirbright.ac.uk The Pirbright Institute
Lenz Dorina dlenz at izw-berlin.de Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin
Lloyd Graeme graemetlloyd at gmail.com Macquarie University
Arne_Ludwig Arne ludwig at izw-berlin.de Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin
Malmstrøm Martin Martin.Malmstrom at ibv.uio.no University of Oslo
Mamos Tomasz tmamos at biol.uni.lodz.pl University of Lodz
Martins Renata Filipa martins at izw-berlin.de Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin
Mauldin Matt MMauldin at cdc.gov Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Mikula Ondřej onmikula at gmail.com Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Brno
Myšková Eva evamyskova at gmail.com University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice
Pacheco George ramelet13 at gmail.com University of Copenhagen
Papoli Yazdi Homa Homa.Papoli at ebc.uu.se Uppsala University
Pereira da Conceicoa Lyndall lyndall.pereira at gmail.com Rhodes University
Pivarči Martin pivarci at entu.cas.cz Institute of Entomology, České Budějovice
Pouch Milan milpouch at centrum.cz Masaryk University
Salvador Liliana liliana.salvador at glasgow.ac.uk University of Glasgow
Saw Jimmy jimmy.saw at icm.uu.se Uppsala University
Shah Jubin jubin.shah at cos.uni-heidelberg.de Heidelberg University
Shapiro Lori lori.r.shapiro at gmail.com Harvard University
Smid Jiri jirismd at gmail.com National Museum in Prague
Stokvis Frank frank.stokvis at naturalis.nl Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden
Trunschke Judith judith.trunschke at ebc.uu.se Uppsala University
van den Broeck Frederik fvandenbroeck at itg.be Institute of Tropical Medicine
Vandelannoote Koen kvandelannoote at itg.be University of Antwerp
Whitaker Melissa melliwhitaker at gmail.com Harvard University
Zagalska-Neubauer Magdalena magzag at miiz.waw.pl Polish Academy of Sciences


Flickr photo sharing

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Just sign in to www.flickr.com using “[email protected]” as username, and the password you used for the amazon AMI.
Create a new album with your name and date and upload the photos that you want to share, or just browse through the photos that are uploaded already.
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