If you are having trouble using the web forms used for application, you can choose to submit your application materials by email to [email protected]. Please follow the instructions below:
- In the subject line please indicate the event you are applying for (e.g. “2012 Workshop on Comparative Genomics, Český Krumlov” or “Advanced Topics”). If applying for an advance topic session please also indicate the specific session you are applying to (e.g. “programming”)
- In the body of the email please include the following information: (1) Name (first and last), (2) institution, (3) position (faculty, staff, postdoc, graduate student, undergraduate student, other), (4) preferred email address
- In addition, please attach (1) a current copy of your CV or resume as a PDF file, and (2) a statement (1-page or less) of why you want to take.
Accurate and complete submission of all of the information above will ensure a rapid decision process. If you have any questions, please email them directly to [email protected].