
SV classification (aka SV quiz)

You can find all the files necessary to answer the questions in the folder “SV_quiz”. Within this folder you will find a subfolder corresponding to each of the questions. The tools we suggest to use are all freely available (IGV, MAFFT or LAST online) but Censor/Repbase which has a limited free use. Nonetheless, the limits of Censor should allow all of you to answer these questions. If you have any problem with Censor please ask me (Vale) or Alex 🙂

Visualise BAM files

IGV: Amazon instance or download on your computer (igvteam/igv)
To access the IGV viewer through the Amazon instance, go to Guacamole: “”, again replacing “XX-XXX-XXX-XXX” with your Amazon instance IP address. Go to the desktop environment, open the terminal and go to “/home/wpsg/software” and run “./.source/IGV_2.19.1/” to open IGV.

If you want to do this exercise on your local computer you can download the quiz material like this:
scp [email protected]:workshop_materials/23_structural_variation/SV_quiz/Data/ . replacing the “XX-XXX-XXX-XXX” with your Amazon instance IP address.

Make dotplots



Repeat database
Censor (sequence homology to Repbase repeat database):

Q1: What is it?

Hint: Is there any signature of incongruent read mapping along the sequence of interest?

  • Open the sequence and respective BAM files in IGV.

Q2: What is it?

Hint: Are there more reads piling up than expected along the sequence of interest?

  • Open the sequence and respective BAM files in IGV.

Q3: What is it?

Hint: Do samples differ?

  • Open the sequence and respective BAM files in IGV.

Q4: What is it?

Hint: Puff?

  • Open the sequence and respective BAM files in IGV.

Q5: What is it?

Hint: Jump?

  • Open the sequence and respective BAM files in IGV.
  • Check the sequence with MAFFT/LAST and Censor.

Q6: What is it?

Hint: What happens in sample2 with respect to the reference and sample1?

  • Open the sequence and respective BAM files in IGV.
  • Check the sequence with MAFFT/LASTZ and Censor.

Q7: What is it?

Hint: Another jump?

  • Open the sequence and respective BAM files in IGV.
  • Check the sequence with MAFFT/LASTZ and Censor.


What is it? Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7
LTR insertion
DNA transposon
Copy number variation

Hint: There is only one answer per sequence.